My Life journey

In the middle of an ordinary life….the worst possible thing happened.  Our only child was murdered.

No one ever expects to lose their child unexpectedly to violence at the age of  23 and yet it happens sadly.  How we go on and deal with life afterwards is up to us.

I have been a long time blogger….or as I like to think…writer of life and when this sudden change came into my world the only thing I could think to do was to write.  And I did. Day in and day out of grieving while still living.  I wrote my blog “A finch in the Willow” for five years documenting everything….  From the pain of plain grief and loss to the trials and tribulations of the person responsible for our pain…I shared everything.

And slowly the release of this heavy weight of the world was lifted a bit with my sharing and in time the grief changed.  By the fifth year I knew my feelings were different as was my writing.

Not that I don’t grieve still daily….as I do.  With every breath I take I miss my child and still to this day I shake my head in disbelief that this isn’t a bad dream I have yet to wake up from.  But I noticed that I wanted to leave that extremely painful part of my life there in that chapter of my life.

And for me, my life is a journey and every day is a new page to write in my book of Life.  I am blessed to have these day pages and I recognize that all are gifts not to be wasted.

So I started writing about things I love….like the nature around me…. and my hobbies.

Recently, I acquired a URL under this same name, to break up all of my interests into separate categories for easier viewing….all while keeping my main journal writing here.

I hope that when you stumble upon this page you find something that makes you smile, and laugh as it was intended.  And sure, there may be an occasional tear here and there as they happen too.

But that is what this bloggers life is all about…..  the things going on, revealed….

Inside the page.



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